Five Minutes With Alex Cass.

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Alex Cass – food and food media writer,

1. Tell us about your current occupation and how you landed such a fabulous job.⁣

Currently, I am a food and food media writer for -- the ultimate destination for food lovers. I write research based articles covering food trends, recipes and techniques, well known food brands, celebrity chefs, and more. I also have the privilege to interview figures from across the culinary industry. I transitioned into freelance food writing after nearly a decade working in national TV news and a lifetime of being a hardcore foodie.

2. What's your best advice for PR professionals?

My best advice for PR professionals is to look for ways to find joy and passion in everything you do professionally, when possible. It comes through to those around you. And also, make sure you have top notch writing skills. More specifically, learn to write the way you think and speak in conversation. It makes your content instantly more relatable.

3. What's a fun fact about you?

I can say the alphabet backwards and enchiladas from scratch are my kitchen specialty.

4. Tell us about your favorite nonprofit and why.

My favorite non-profit is the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition because I strongly believe that food is one of the great human connectors. We all need it, and it's personal for everyone, so this is an issue that everyone can and should get on board with. Food and food security is also intrinsically linked with the environment and the health of our climate. Sustainable and just food systems are essential to the future of our society and our planet.

5. What's your favorite meal, movie, or vacation spot?

My favorite vacation spot is Rome, Italy. It has the best of all worlds -- so much history and culture to explore, a totally laid-back and relaxed vibe, easy access to the rest of Italy, and the very best of Italian food!


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