Five Minutes With Alicia Betz.

Alicia Betz - Freelance Journalist and Content Writer

  1. Tell us about your current occupation and how you landed such a fabulous job.

    I’m a freelance journalist and content writer specializing in parenting, product reviews, and service journalism. I started my career as a teacher and did some writing on the side when I wasn’t grading papers or planning lessons. After being a teacher for seven years, I couldn’t bring myself to go back to the classroom when my daughter was born, and that’s where my full-time career in journalism and content writing began. It was always my dream to work from home while also taking care of my kids, and I’m happy to say I’ve made it work. 

  2. What's your best advice for PR professionals?

    Know who you’re emailing. Getting my name wrong or sending me a pitch that’s not even remotely close to what I cover is a major turn-off. Also, be patient! I can’t respond to every email I get, but I do read them and make note of things that may be worth covering in the future. As a freelancer, I get a lot of assignments that ask me to cover specific topics, and sometimes I’ll circle back to an email I got or a product I tested a year or two ago. 

  3. What's a fun fact about you?

    I have such a bad sweet tooth that my friends joke that I have a second stomach for candy.

  4. Tell us about your favorite nonprofit.

    I'd love for a donation to THON, a student-run dance marathon held at Penn State to raise money for kids with cancer.

  5. What's your favorite meal, movie, or vacation spot?

    I have too many favorite vacation spots and movies to choose just one, but my favorite meal, hands down, is my mom’s Thanksgiving dinner. 

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Five Minutes With Arielle Tschinkel.


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